Barnum Trash Rack
Denver, Colorado
New regional water quality facilities located within Denver’s Barnum Park function to filter contaminants from stormwater.
StudioCPG was asked by City and County of Denver Parks and Recreation to prepare a master plan for converting a significant percentage of the park acreage of bluegrass to species that are less demanding in terms of water conservation and maintenance. The plan converts over five acres of hillside landscape from bluegrass to native wheatgrasses. A trail delineates the remaining bluegrass from the new, native species and completes a link in the Weir Gulch Regional Greenway. The design unifies the park by directing users to a specific location that allows them to focus on the views to Downtown (including the Capitol Building) with the lake in the foreground and the prairie sky beyond. StudioCPG generated the master plan, construction documents and collaborated with local artists on site improvement details.
Use the slideshow below to get a better look at the project.
More Parks, Trails, and Open Space projects below:
Denver, Colorado
New regional water quality facilities located within Denver’s Barnum Park function to filter contaminants from stormwater.
Thornton, Colorado
StudioCPG is preparing Contract Documents for restoration of a neighborhood park in for the City of Thornton.
Denver, Colorado
Streetscape improvements at the edge of Chavez Park in northwest Denver
Denver, Colorado
StudioCPG was contracted to provide upgrades to play equipment and site drainage at two existing park playgrounds