National Park Service
Project Scoping Assessment
Project Scoping Assessment (PSA) uses a multi-disciplinary team of experienced design and engineering professionals to assess park generated concepts for the rehabilitation of specific facilities. Each PSA generates an initial scope and cost estimate for construction. The program is intended to clarify the differences between competing funding proposals and provide improved accuracy in matching planning level cost estimates to bid costs going forward.

Shenandoah National Park
StudioCPG provided concept design and a scope for rehabilitation of two, Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)-era campgrounds at Big Meadows and Loft Mountain. The work at Big Meadows included removing existing facilities that were impacting adjacent wetlands, concept design for a new, full service camping loop at Big Meadows and included extensive coordination with Site Civil and Electric.

Antietam National Battlefield
Sharpsburg, MD
StudioCPG provided concept design and a scope for the rehabilitation of landscape at the National Cemetery. The primary focus of landscape rehabilitation was to scope and cost estimate for implementing a successional planting plan for trees that would bring the landscape into line with goals established in the Battlefield’s, 2013 Cultural Assessment.

Grand Teton National Park - Gros Ventre Campground
StudioCPG provided concept design and a scope for the rehabilitation of the Gros Ventre Campground and for improving the function, safety and appearance of the Amphitheater at the Colter Bay Visitor Center. Rehabilitation at Gros Ventre was focused on enlarging campsites facilities within the existing Campground envelope. Work at the Amphitheater included an upgrade to seating, improved accessibility and concept design for adding a terrace at the upper level of the theater. The terrace will seat show goers and also that could serve as staging or break out space for bus tours loading in and out just above the theater in daylight hours.

Sand Dunes National Park
StudioCPG provided concept design and scope for the rehabilitation of the Park Amphitheater, rehabilitation of existing staff housing and site planning for the construction of two new housing projects. Work at the amphitheater Work at the Amphitheater included and all new facility to improve accessibility and better connect all Park visitors with the Dark Skies program at Sand Dunes. Rehabilitation included site grading for improved drainage and accessibility. New housing included a new camp site loop for seasonal workers and site planning for up to ten “Tiny Homes” for longer term stays.

Gauley Recreation Area
West Virginia
StudioCPG is providing concept design and scope for rehabilitation and expansion of existing camping facilities and concept design and scope for rehabilitation to existing boat access at the Gauley River Tailwater facilities. Work at the campground included extension of site utilities and work at the boat ramps is focused on safety and accessibility for the many commercial and private boating trips crowding into the bottom of this very narrow gorge.