Our Services
Working within the traditions established in American landscape architecture, we offer the following services:
StudioCPG holds the following certifications:
WBE / DBE / SBE: City and County of Denver, State of Colorado
ESB Level I: Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT)
StudioCPG provides landscape architecture and planning services and manages complex projects which require a systematic approach to collaboration with engineers, architects and federal, state and local agencies. StudioCPG considers the simplicity and sustainability of our design solutions as a tangible product of our diverse project experience. Areas of concentration include:

Parks, Trails and Open Space
StudioCPG provides master planning, management planning and design services for parks, recreation facilities, open space, greenways and trails.
Working within the traditions of landscape architecture, we use natural processes as the basis for design in urban settings and apply an informed understanding of contemporary needs and uses to the management of natural resources.

StudioCPG leverages the construction and maintenance funding associated with roadway, drainage, and infrastructure improvements to create multiple–use facilities and public spaces.
The integration of natural systems and urban infrastructure demands a collaborative design process that balances engineering requirements and a given site’s potential, as a setting for a variety of activities. We recognize the importance of communication between all design and engineering disciplines and seek to create sustainable solutions that celebrate natural systems.

Site Planning and Landscape Design
StudioCPG uses natural, cultural and/or historical site characteristics as the basis for creating new facilities or repairing damaged or derelict sites.
Our projects range from simple water conservation-based planting designs to complex urban redevelopment and large scale natural systems management.

Urban Design and Planning
StudioCPG’s approach to Urban Design is built on three principles:
1) Understand historical site characteristics and development patterns
2) Analyze and illustrate the impacts of proposed changes on existing use patterns
3) Integrate this understanding with urban planning and engineering requirements
StudioCPG has completed projects including simple design standards, master planning documents, design guidelines, illustrative diagrams and construction documents for urban redevelopment.

Public Process
StudioCPG has extensive experience in facilitating and documenting public process and providing decision makers with defensible documentation of public outreach efforts, analysis and policy recommendations.

Project Management
StudioCPG manages projects through all phases of planning and design. Management services include coordination with project team members, the client group, project stakeholders and permitting agencies.
This process really cleared up a lot of questions for me and clarified the vision. And your drawings brought all the elements into focus for me. We can study lots of designs that we may personally like, but you have presented the 'bigger picture’ here and we have all recognized that many decisions need to be made for the good of the Whole Street.
Debbie Lease, Property Owner on Tennyson Street - Tennyson Streetscape Project